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first tces cross-company family council lunch

Bringing families together to reflect on Family Council

On Wednesday 12th July 2023, TCES held its first inaugural cross-company family council lunch, marking an important milestone for our organisation. Parents and carers from various schools and services came together to partake in a delightful 3-course lunch, providing them with an opportunity to reflect on their experiences with the family council over the past year. Events like these provide a valuable opportunity for parents and carers to connect, share their experiences, and contribute to the improvement of services and support within the organisation.

During lunch, our parents and carers had the chance to share their journeys with their young persons while at TCES. They expressed their gratitude for the support and resources offered by TCES, highlighting the positive impact it has had on their children's lives.  This collaborative approach will undoubtedly lead to further improvements in the services provided by TCES and will ensure that every child receives the best possible support during their time with the organisation.

In addition to discussing their personal experiences, the attendees also engaged in conversations about how we can further enhance the family council in the future. Ideas and suggestions were exchanged, aiming to improve the services provided and ensure that every parent and carer feels supported and valued within the TCES community.  

The event served as a platform for open and honest dialogue, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration amongst the parents and carers. It was evident that the family council has created a strong network of support, allowing individuals to connect, share their challenges, and celebrate their successes together. 

As TCES continues to prioritise the well-being and development of our students, the family council will play a crucial role in shaping our future endeavours. Through continued engagement, feedback, and implementation of innovative ideas, we are confident that we can further strengthen the support system for our parents and carers. 

Here are some positive feedback from our staff:

  • "What a success today was it was lovely to hear the feedback from the parents especially Zannika giving other parents advice to stick with it and work with the process, she expressed how happy she is today with DA at East London. Zannika also praised ELIS for good communication. She said she feels she can trust the staff at ELIS to look after DA and keep him safe. She feels that her working with the school helps with DA's behaviour as he knows we work together and communicate. Again, well done today it was a lovely afternoon what a positive end to the year." – Anna French-Walker, Designated Safeguarding Lead, East London School.


  • “I second everything that has been mentioned. Considering it was the first, it was a good turnout, so definitely a good starting! Danika, who was sitting next to me spoke positively about the staff members in East London, and as mentioned before that she feels she can trust them. She also mentioned that communication is a lot better than it used to be. She is happy with the interventions/consequences that have been put in place for her son. When he initially had a restorative conversation, it didn’t work, but over time, it has allowed her son to be reflective on his behaviour and how this affects others. So, he is no longer fighting/assaulting teachers. And mum has seen a positive change in his confidence. So, for now, she has no complaints.” – Sarah Oyeogbe, Social Worker, Create in the Community.


  • "Well done, Nadia. I think the meeting went well, and it was really lovely to chat with parents from our schools. I heard a lot of positives, considering what some parents had been through to secure an appropriate provision.” – Stephanie Lee, National Online School Coordinator.


  • Hello Miss Nadia, thank you so much for organising such a wonderful lunch and looking forward to many more lunches. It was positive we did a parent say how she feels her voice was heard, and the environment had changed.” – Roza Sheikani, Designated Safeguarding Lead, North West London.

Overall, the first-ever cross-company family council lunch was a success, bringing together parents and carers from different backgrounds and experiences. With a shared commitment to the well-being of our young persons, TCES and its family council will continue to evolve and improve, ensuring that every child receives the best possible support during their time with us. Congratulations to our Interim Parent and Pupil Engagement Lead, Nadia Ruzzaman and the entire TCES team for organising a successful event and fostering a sense of unity and collaboration amongst parents, carers, and our staff. Such initiatives can make a significant difference in the lives of students and their families.

Nadia Ruzzaman Interim Parent and Pupil Engagement Lead