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TCES East London

TCES East London is part of a social enterprise, whose mission is to ensure that society profits. This social enterprise is a family-run company where the majority of its profits are reinvested back into the company to continuously develop our services. TCES East London celebrates its15th Anniversary in Autumn 2024.  

TCES East London provides specialist therapeutic education across two sites: Stratford Marsh and Varley Road, Customs House for exceptional neurodiverse children and young people between the ages of 7 to 19 years old.

Both of our East London school sites are based in the London Borough of Newham, with our Stratford Marsh site being the main school and administration site. This site educates neurodiverse students from 12 to 19 years old, whilst our TCES Nurture Primary site at Varley Road, Custom House, educates pupils from 7 to 12 years old. All of our pupils have Education, Health & Care Plans, typically with a diagnosis of SEMH (social, emotional and mental health needs) and/or ASC (autism spectrum condition) and associated conditions. These associated conditions have changed post-pandemic and now significantly include 'Emotionally-Based School Avoidance' (EBSA) in which almost 100% of our newly placed pupils come to TCES East London with persistent absence (under 90% attendance). Additionally, a third of our pupils arrive at our school with a history of being severely absent (under 50% attendance). This challenge is met through the provision of embedded therapeutic education and very significant resources to support pupils' attendance in line with the DfE's new attendance guidance; 'Working together to improve attendance' - August 2024.

Our pupils are referred to us by a significant number of Local Authorities in London and the Home Counties and are placed with us following an assessment based on a risk and needs assessment.

Since 2009, our TCES East London school has provided an environment where pupils can grow and develop socially, emotionally and academically. We are a diverse and inclusive community of pupils, teachers, therapists, support staff and parents/carers working together, and placing our six core values at the centre of who we are and everything we do.

As well as the TCES specialism of ‘Leadership’ through our LIFE Programme, our school specialises in the Arts. All pupils are encouraged to find and express their creativity and are supported to achieve awards alongside the more traditional academic subjects.

Many of our Year 11 pupils return to us in the Sixth Form to continue their journey into adulthood by pursuing their academic and vocational interests, so they can be successful in their future world of work. This positive journey of change demonstrates the efficacy of our overall programme in that those pupils who graduate into our sixth Form have much reduced behaviour issues and much improved attendance. These pupils have clear pathways onwards to college and a minimum of 90% of them go onto education, employment or training. 

Our pupils

Across our two sites, we educate children and young people from Key Stages 2 to 5. They have a range of neurodiverse needs, including Autism and Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and related conditions. These predominant co-morbid features relate to anxiety, and a significant percentage of pupils present with Tier 3 CAMHS level anxiety or depression. These complex clinical presentations are linked to Emotionally-Based School Avoidance (EBSA) with almost 100% of our pupils being persistent non-attenders (under 90% attendance) and one third of our pupils being severely absent (under 50% attendance) prior to attending our TCES East London school. 

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Ofsted: We are a ‘GOOD’ school


Leaders provide rich opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually, morally socially and culturally. Consequently, pupils respect different beliefs and are well prepared for life in modern Britain. 

ofsted inspection, Nov 2022

The personal development and welfare of pupils is a strength of the school. Staff work effectively with therapists and external agencies to support pupils. As a result, most make strong social and emotional progress from their starting points. 

ofsted inspection, Nov 2022


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