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TCES North West London

TCES North West London is part of the TCES Group, which is a social enterprise, with a singular social mission to create wide-scale social impact through pioneering inclusion practices. This is a clear social mission that has at its centre the inclusion of our pupils. This is a family-run social enterprise whose profits are reinvested back into the school to develop our services continuously. Whilst TCES celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 5th November 2024, TCES North West London celebrated its 15th Anniversary as a school in the Autumn term 2024.

We are an ‘Outstanding’ school following an Ofsted Inspection from 4th to 6th February 2025. We have a proud track record of three outstanding inspection reports out of the last four inspections over the last 8 years. Our TCES North West London school has always been ‘Good’ with Outstanding standards or ‘Outstanding’ since its inception in March 2010.

TCES North West London provides special education for exceptional neurodivergent children and young people between the ages of 7 to 19 years old. All of these pupils have Education, Health & Care Plans, typically with a diagnosis of SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) and/or ASC (autism spectrum condition) and associated conditions. These associated conditions have changed post-pandemic and now include 'Emotionally-Based School Avoidance' (EBSA), in which almost 100% of our newly placed pupils come to TCES North West London with persistent absence (under 90% attendance). Additionally, a third of our pupils arrive at our school with a history of being severely absent (under 50% attendance). This challenge is met through the provision of embedded therapeutic education and very significant resources to support pupils' attendance in line with the DfE's new attendance guidance; 'Working together to improve attendance' - August 2024.

Our pupils are referred to us by a significant number of Local Authorities in London and the Home Counties and are placed with us following an assessment based on a risk and needs assessment.

We provide full-time education for Key Stage 2 to 5 pupils from London Local Authorities.

The education is provided in ‘state-of-the-art’ premises in west London. The school was formally opened by Professor Lord Winston in September 2009 and includes a science lab (named after Lord Winston) as well as many specialist classrooms, including a double art room, music studio, food technology kitchen, a sensory room, and a large gym/assembly hall. 

North West London School also has café premises on the high street. It is used by Post-16 students for part of some school days as part of their cooking qualification course. This café is open for business to the public each week. Additionally, a full therapy suite is provided for the pupils near to the school's main site.

Our pupils are provided with opportunities and support to develop self-esteem, interpersonal and social skills as well as to make positive choices in respect of their behaviour both in and out of school.

Many of our Year 11 pupils return to us in the Sixth Form to continue their journey into adulthood by pursuing their academic and vocational interests, so they can be successful in their future world of work. This 'Positive journey of change' demonstrates the efficacy of our overall programme in that those pupils who graduate into our Sixth Form have much reduced behaviour issues and much improved attendance. These pupils have clear pathways onwards to college and a minimum of 90% of them go onto education, employment or training. 

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Our specialisms

Every TCES school specialises in Leadership and the Arts

Leadership is a key focus of the TCES curriculum - find out more by visiting our Leadership and Careers page.

TCES North West London has achieved Platinum Artsmark Award status, and our Art Lead won a Silver Pearson National Teaching Award. This Pearson Silver award win was repeated in June 2024 when our Maths teacher also won the national teaching award. 

OFSTED Report 2025:We are an ‘outstanding’ school 


Overall effectiveness                   - Outstanding

The quality of education            - Outstanding

Behaviour and attitudes            - Outstanding

Personal development                - Outstanding

Leadership and management   - Outstanding

Sixth-form provision                    - Outstanding


“The school’s expectations for pupils’ social, personal and academic achievements are sky-high”.

ofsted inspection, February 2025

“In catering for pupils’ needs, the school lives up to its motto of, `we never give up, we never exclude”.

ofsted inspection, February 2025


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