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leadership week 2023 - tces east London school

Building leadership skills and developing confidence in our pupils 


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During Leadership Week, 25th September - 29th September, pupils showcase their independent and social skills to become members of the TCES East London School Leadership Council. They also participate in enrichment activities and visits, including guest speakers, local business people and opportunities for pupils to ‘Step Up’ into staff roles within the schools. 

We provide leadership opportunities for our pupils across our schools and services, as well as within their student councils to encourage and enhance their independence. In addition, it is also part of our Life Skills curriculum, which prepares our pupils for life in the real world. Our goal is to develop our young people into successful independent leaders. The purpose of Leadership Week is to promote and achieve this.  



TCES East London pupils explored their skills by both creating presentations digitally and handwritten to prepare themselves to present to the Student Council panel. The panel included our senior staff, our Headteacher Ishamar Blake and a parent of one of the pupils at the school. Our pupils demonstrated independence, confidence, and passion when presenting their reasons for becoming a Student Council representative. 

As part of leadership week, a motivational guest speaker, Dwayne Patrick from the ‘iCAN workshop’, was invited to teach our pupils about resilience and perseverance. They were taught strategies on how to sell confidentially and to understand the impact and value of good customer service. No matter the success, it is inevitable that distractions will prevent us from achieving the end result. However, when we persevere and ‘never give up’, we can accomplish anything. 

Our pupil's 'Step-Up Day' each took on a job role of their choice (headteacher, admin assistant, teacher, etc.). It gives our pupils the opportunity to learn more about what their job role choice entails and the impact they have on the school. Also, this boosts their confidence when dealing with other staff members and open up new job opportunities by helping them identify their preferences and ideal jobs. As a result of the hard work and commitment they showed, it was a productive day for the pupils.