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a hat-trick of university offers!

Three is the magic number for Myles as he bags a hat-trick of university offers!

Myles, a TCES North West London Graduate has a trio of reasons to be cheerful this month having secured the grades he needed to take up any one of his three university offers! Not bad for a young man who was expelled three times before reaching the age of five. In fact, according to his mum, Myles’ school life only started to stabilise once he joined TCES a few years later.

'Coming to TCES was a real turning point'

She says: ‘I’m absolutely beaming with pride that Myles is going to university, he’ll be the first one in our family to take this step! I’ve always encouraged my kids to believe they can be whatever they want, but I never dreamed this would happen.

‘Myles has always had challenging behaviour, he just wouldn’t listen or pay any attention to anyone. My worst fear was that he would end up with no education and get in with the wrong crowd. Coming to TCES was a real turning point for Myles, his tutor addressed his disability to make sure that he could learn, he got Myles’ behaviour under control and communicated on his level. It was a brilliant relationship.’

After a well-deserved gap year Myles says he plans to take up the place offered by Roehampton University to study a BA in Media. He praises the support he had from Art teacher Paul Morris, who received national recognition in the 2019 Pearson Teaching Awards for his excellence in special needs teaching. Myles says Paul helped him to develop his passion for all forms of creative art and whilst at TCES North West London, which included gaining both a GCSE and an A Level in Art (alongside other qualifications).

'I was the worse student — look at me now!'

Says Myles: ‘I had a great relationship with Paul who made Art fun and helped me to believe in myself. Art is great for me because I can imagine what I want and then just draw it, I just use my imagination and create stuff, just make it happen. I’ve always wanted to move to Los Angeles and work in the film industry. I know that’s very hard, but I always thought “If I have a good education, they might let me in”. So that’s what I’m working at.’

Asked for his message to other TCES pupils Myles had this to say, ‘Keep going! Your dreams are possible. I was the worst student and look where I am now!’

'This proves what is possible when we refuse to give up on children and young people'

Says Thomas Keaney: ‘Like Myles’ mum all of us at TCES are simply beaming with pride at how far Myles has come! Once again it proves to us what’s possible when a committed team of professionals, working closely with family at home, refuse to give up on children and young people. Myles and his family had already suffered the devastating impact of expulsion three times before he had even reached primary school. Today he’s accepting an offer to study for a Bachelor of Arts at a prestigious university because his family fought to be heard, and we recognised him as the exceptional young man that he is. Well done Myles and hope you make it all the way to Hollywood!’