East London Independent School achieves IQM award

In June 2018 East London Independent School was awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark Award (IQM). This means that both our London Schools have been awarded the IQM. Essex Fresh Start and Create London will be working towards this next academic year.
The IQM scheme allows for the exploration of all aspects of education within the school, with the process affording a complete snapshot of school life. The IQM award provides evidence of all the incredible hard work that is ongoing at ELIS.
“IQM delivers industry-leading standards and assists schools to develop the prestigious IQM scheme award. IQM is the only national award for inclusion and provides validation of current practice in UK schools.”
IQM website, 2017.
Here are just some of the many positive comments about East London Independent School, taken from the IQM assessment report:
“The staff were confident in their knowledge of the pupils which meant the pupils were on task and motivated to learn in the classroom.”
“The teachers’ planning was meticulous in the lessons observed to ensure differentiation had an impact on the progress of the pupils with clear Learning Objectives and Success Criteria.”
“ELIS makes outstanding use of the space available. The outside area is very well thought out with excellent outdoor facilities including horticulture area, play area for table tennis, space for a sensory garden for those who wish for reflection time and an enclosed court area for games. The main building is very inviting with a sense of purpose in every classroom. There is a dedicated Science lab, Food Tech room, Art room, Music room and library as well as a fully resourced Sensory Room.”
“It was evident that the curriculum was geared towards enabling the pupils to become independent; teaching them skills for life across a broad range of subjects and opportunities. This organisational approach by teaching in stage not age means that pupils feel safe in an atmosphere balanced to suit each pupils’ needs.”
“During the morning of the IQM visit, a very powerful message was outstandingly put across in an assembly regarding our actions and the importance of respect for oneself, one’s community and the world. All the pupils who were present were fully engaged and showed skills of self-reflection, empathy and were able to focus and listen.”
“The dedication of the staff for the pupils at ELIS means that pupils have the best opportunities for inclusion and for success in life.”