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TCES east London graduation 2023

Celebration, Accomplishment and a new journey.

On Wednesday 19th July, TCES East London School held their Graduation 2023. The setting was stunning with balloon arches, music and pictures of the young people painted around the location. We had a mixture of attendees such as TCES staff, parents and carers as well as our outstanding graduates.

The event was hosted by our incredibly charismatic Andrew, fondly known as Papa G, it was certain to excite the entire audience for what was a significant day for these families and young people. The CEO and Founder, Thomas Keaney, was introduced and warmly welcomed everyone acknowledging the collective effort of the school staff, parents, carers, and, above all, the young graduates themselves in making this day possible.

The floor was then passed onto the staff to speak about their wonderful graduates. The emotions from these speeches were comforting and illustrated to these young people to show how much their teachers cared for them, although at the start the graduates didn’t believe in themselves. We can see the positive impact our staff have on our young people, and we recognise how important this is in building meaningful relationships. 

TCES East London’s headteacher, Jeff Lastiotis, presented the awards for our Year 11s & 6th Form graduates. This was an amazing moment, as Jeff handed each of these hardworking, resilient young people their certificates. Our Executive Head, Katrina Medley, delivered a speech about the graduates of 2023. Everyone could see how impressive our young people are.

There was an opportunity for our parents to talk about their child's accomplishments. One parent delivered a heartfelt speech about her daughter, detailing her journey. We appreciate all of our parents for allowing us the opportunity to work with their children and young people and help educate them in a safe environment catered to their needs. 

A leaving song was then performed by our East London School Business Manager, Joanne Nyland-Fink which was incredibly powerful and beautiful. This was a touching end to a successful and meaningful graduation, not just for the students and their parents, but also for us as we got to see the results of our efforts.

Overall, the day was a massive success with 15 of our students graduating. We are so proud of them. We wish all of our pupils and students, both those who stay and those who move on, the best for their futures.

Braden Keaney, Marketing Intern.