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TCES North West Launches Post-16 Hub

Our TCES North West London School hosted an Art Exhibition to launch the opening of their Post-16 Hub to the public. This initiative aims to provide our pupils with hands-on learning experiences and life skills training in a supportive environment. The Post-16 Hub is part of TCES’ broader mission to ensure that all students have access to practical and empowering educational opportunities.

The Hub is more than just a kitchen; it’s a place where students can learn essential life skills that will benefit them beyond the classroom. Through cooking, our students will learn to plan, design, organise, and follow instructions, which are crucial skills for independent living. Our students will also receive opportunities to interact with members of the public, serving and supporting them as they visit the hub.

By providing neurodiverse students with practical skills in a supportive environment, we are fostering independence, confidence, and a love for learning that will serve our students beyond TCES. This is an incredibly exciting initiative, and we look forward to welcoming you all at our Post-16 Hub.