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Ofsted Reports

TCES (The Complete Education Solution) schools are registered with the Department for Education as 'Other Independent Special Schools' and are inspected by the regulatory body called the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). The inspection assesses our schools against the Independent School Standards and the Ofsted standards. We are inspected, as are all schools in England, under the Education Inspection Framework. The outcome of each school’s most recent Ofsted report, along with download links, can be accessed below.

Since we opened TCES North West London in 2008 and TCES East London in 2009, we have had 100% (a total of 11) ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted inspections. That is a record of consistent high quality that we are very proud of.

TCES North West London

TCES North West London was most recently inspected in March 2022. Ofsted graded it as ‘'Outstanding' in all 6 standards - February 2025  

“From the start, staff and pupils develop strong trusting relationships. When pupils’ behaviours deteriorate, staff work with them sensitively to unpick and address the underlying causes."


“The school prioritises providing pupils with extensive therapeutic and pastoral support when they join the school. This gets them into the right place emotionally to engage positively with learning”.

TCES East London

An Ofsted inspection held from 15-17 November 2022 judged TCES East London as ‘Good’, with particular mention of the school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare described as 'Outstanding'.

The personal development and welfare of pupils is a strength of the school. Staff work effectively with therapists and external agencies to support pupils. As a result, most make strong social and emotional progress from their starting points.

Leaders provide rich opportunities for pupils to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Consequently, pupils respect different beliefs and are well prepared for life in modern Britain.