School & Services information
You will be able to find easy access to important details about our schools and services. Here is a breakdown of what you might find in each category.
1. covid-19
Please read our education journey during lockdown, from March 2020 to date. Drivers for change: from lockdown to the hybrid secondary model for curriculum delivery. Providing updates and information about the school's response to COVID-19. This could include safety measures, remote learning policies, and other relevant guidelines.
2. school newsletters
This will feature regular newsletters or updates from the school. Newsletters might contain information about recent events, pupil achievements, upcoming activities, and other announcements.
3. policies
These will cover a wide range of topics including GDPR, Behaviour, Academic integrity, Bullying, Technology use, and more. It's a resource for understanding the school's rules and regulations.
4. school contact information
This will provide contact details for our schools and services, including administrators, teachers, governors and support staff. Any questions or concerns can be raised to get in touch.
5. School Lunch Menus
Here, you will find information about the school's cafeteria offerings. This might include daily or weekly menus and information about dietary restrictions.
6. School Calendar
This section includes important dates for the academic year, such as the start and end of terms, holidays, exam periods, INSET dates and special events. This helps parents and students plan their schedules accordingly.
7. School Uniform
Provides information about our schools and services' uniform policy. This includes details about what is acceptable attire, where uniforms can be purchased, and any guidelines for compliance.