Career leadership programme
We want all of our pupils to have the skills, knowledge and experience required for a lifetime of meaningful employment. We strive to prepare our pupils for the next steps in their lives, as successful, confident, responsible, and independent adults.
Our offer
The career development for our pupils is delivered through two of four key elements of our LIFE Programme: Future Options and Employability.
It begins at the earliest point of contact with each pupil and is delivered through both dedicated career lessons and other areas of the curriculum that enhance career knowledge, understanding and skills.
All our pupils are provided with work experience opportunities, visits by colleges and employers, and preparation for applications and interviews.
Where appropriate, we also ensure a range of Post 16 options, including supported college places, traineeships and apprenticeships. Pupils also have opportunities to return to TCES as alumni mentors, leading to employment within the company post 19 via tailored apprenticeship schemes.
Working with experts
We deliver the highest standard of career development provision to our pupils as defined by the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks (the national standards of excellence in career guidance).
Careers Advice
We offer personal careers guidance sessions to all students from Year 9 with an independent careers guidance adviser who is qualified to Level 6 and ascribes to the CDI code of ethics. Each student is provided with a follow-up written action plan.
Sixth Form
Pupils in our schools and services and from other settings have the opportunity to join a two-year programme in one of our three Sixth Forms.
If you would like more information on our career leadership programme, please contact Niota Cover, our Careers Lead: