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A positive journey of change

We take pupils from social isolation to independence on a gradual and supportive journey. Children and young people join us at different stages of this journey across our schools and services.

It is common for students to be at a mixture of stages depending on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), childhood trauma or secondary trauma. Pupils often have a spiky profile and may not remain in one stage but may move up and down with changes in circumstances or when under stress.

Social Isolation 

The young person might be unable/ unwilling to come out of their bedroom. Their experience of adults may have been frightening, and they find it extremely difficult to trust anyone. Their behaviour might be very controlling or very aggressive as this keeps people away.

Healthy Independence

The young person has established a secure relationship with one adult and is reliant on them for all of their needs and to access any learning. With support from their trusted adult, they may be able to access a learning activity of choice in a short, structured way.


The young person can access regular learning across different subjects without 1:1 support but may still require close supervision during less structured times of the day such as break and lunch. They may require regular touch points with an adult to help them to self-regulate and start to seek help when they need it.


The young person displays real independence and can seek help with learning or self-regulation, although it may still require low levels of support, especially when there are changes to routine. They take a leadership role with other young people and model appropriate behaviour. They can plan and engage in activities beyond school with minimal support.


The first column.

The third column.