TCES 'Reach out' Inclusion Charter
TCES: A Vision for Inclusion
Why TCES and Inclusion?
For a quarter of a century, the TCES (The Complete Education Solution) Social Enterprise group has had a singular social mission to create wide-scale social impact through pioneering inclusion practices. This is a clear social mission that has at its centre the inclusion of our pupils.
Since our inception in 1999, we have educated and supported thousands of exceptional neurodiverse children and young people with SEND, who have been excluded on average three times prior to TCES or who have had multiple mis-managed moves. In all that time, we have never excluded a single pupil, and each year between 90% and 100% of our pupils’ graduate into Education, Employment or Training (Non-NEETs). That is the TCES Way – “we never give up, we never exclude”.
In an independent research project undertaken by Goldsmiths University of London for TCES’ 20th anniversary, Dame Esther Rantzen, Founder of Childline and Patron of TCES said:
“Reading this Independent research report conducted by Goldsmiths, I have been particularly impressed by the excellent outcomes TCES have achieved, through their policy of ‘never giving up’ on their young people, no matter how challenging. …. Their [children and young people] achievements are conclusive evidence that TCES’ approach works and works well, and I believe that its policy of never permanently excluding, along with other interventions, could and should be used as a template for the educational sector as a whole."
Goldsmiths University of London key findings on TCES' Inclusion:
- We never give up - 25 years, over 3500 pupils, no permanent exclusions,
- We deliver ‘Authentic Therapeutic Education’ - A person-centred curriculum seeks to identify unique gifts of each pupil and encourages individualised learning - Goldsmiths.
- We provide inclusive schools where SEMH and ASC pupils are taught together in an inclusive environment, with genuine pupil/parent and staff voice and participation, - Goldsmiths
- School Life without Labels: The only labels we tolerate are positive; we see our pupils as talented young leaders.
- We transform lives: ‘Highly effective in transforming the lives of pupils, educationally, emotionally and socially’ - 90% of pupils are in employment, education or training three years after graduating TCES - Goldsmiths.
Consistent High Quality : Our TCES Schools have been “Good’ (20%) or ‘Good’ with ‘Outstanding standards’(40%) or ‘Outstanding’ through all ten (100%) of their Ofsted inspections over the past fifteen years. In 40% of these ten inspections, TCES Schools achieved the highest standard ‘Outstanding’.
We know what makes an inclusive school and in our most recent Ofsted inspection (February 2025), Ofsted said that our school was outstanding in all areas:
“The school’s expectations for pupils’ social, personal and academic achievements are sky-high”. In catering for pupils’ needs, the school lives up to its motto of, `we never give up, we never exclude'.
“The school prioritises providing pupils with extensive therapeutic and pastoral support when they join the school. This gets them into the right place emotionally to engage positively with learning”.